--- Photography, Digital Photography ---
Photography has been defined as: a unique and creative medium of self-expression. At CreatiVerve
we think of it as an art form requiring vision, aesthetic sense and a technical expertise that can only come with
CreatiVerve delivers professional, custom photographs ready for use on your website,
brochure and other print advertisements. For everything from weddings to commercial product studio imagery, we offer
advanced retouching and effects on top of a stunning initial photo. We can provide final artwork on CD, the web,
and/or physical prints.
--- Photographs, Visual Communication ---
Professional Photography
Professional photographs are an essential part of visual communications (ex: print and electronic media advertising).
As a creative medium, photography requires more of an inherent talent for success than formal training. However a
combination of training & experience help with various specializations like portraiture, fashion, advertising,
journalistic, wildlife and outdoor photography, etc.
1: the art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces. 2: the art, practice, or
occupation of taking and printing photographs. 3: a body of photographs.
digital photography
1: a method of photography in which an image is digitally encoded and stored for later reproduction. 2. the
manipulation of photographs by computer.